BIPT is in charge of allocating user rights for radio frequencies entirely or partially used for public electronic communications services.
The terms for obtaining and exercising these user rights are laid down by Royal Decree on the BIPT’s proposal or following the BIPT’s opinion and deliberation in the council of Ministers.
- Existing rights of use for the national land territory
- Existing rights of use for the exclusive economic zone
Rights of use
- Decision of 30 January 2025 on the rights of use of Citymesh Mobile in the 70/80 GHz frequency band
- Decision of 7 January 2025 regarding the renewal of the 2600 MHz rights of use
- Decision of 12 November 2024 on the allocation of spectrum to e-BO Enterprises N.V. and Telenet Group N.V for the establishment and operation of a transmission installation in the Belgian exclusive economic zone in the North Sea
- Consultation regarding the draft decision on the rights of use of Citymesh Mobile in the 70/80 GHz frequency band
- Consultation on the draft decision on the extension of the usage rights at 2600 MHz
- Decision of 27 August 2024 on the allocation of spectrum to Citymesh Integrator N.V. for the establishment and operation of a transmission installation in the Belgian exclusive economic zone in the North Sea
- Decision of 13 August 2024 regarding the granting of rights of use for the frequency bands for category 8a fixed networks
- Consultation on the Regularisation decision regarding the allocation of spectrum to e-BO Enterprises N.V. and Telenet Group N.V. for the establishment and operation of a transmission installation in the Belgian exclusive economic zone in the North Sea
- Consultation on the renewal of the 2600 MHz rights of use
- Consultation on the draft decision regarding the granting of rights of use for the frequency bands for category 8a fixed networks
- Decision of 28 May 2024 on the technical and operational conditions regarding the mobile communication services on board vessels
- Consultation on the draft decision on the granting of spectrum to Citymesh Integrator N.V. for the establishment and operation of a transmission installation in the Belgian exclusive economic zone in the North Sea
- Decision of 16 April 2024 concerning the request for transfer of the rights of use for the 3600 MHz band from NRB to Proximus
- Opinion of 4 July 2023 on the draft Royal Decree regarding the granting of user rights for the establishment and operation of transmission installations located in Belgium’s exclusive economic area in the North Sea
- Consultation on the technical and operational conditions regarding the mobile communication services on board vessels (2024)
- Decision of 19 December 2023 concerning local private networks in the 3800-4200 MHz band and the assignment of E.212 mobile network codes
- Decision of 14 November 2023 on the withdrawal of spectrum granted to iSea at 700 MHz for the establishment and operation of a transmission installation in the Belgian exclusive economic zone in the North Sea
- Decision of 26 September 2023 regarding the request for the lease of rights of use for the 3600 MHz band by NRB to e-BO
- Consultation of 1 september 2023 on the use of the 26 GHz band for 5G
- Decision of 08 August 2023 on the restitution by Tampnet of spectrum at 700 MHz for the establishment and operation of a transmission installation in the Belgian exclusive economic zone in the North Sea
- Consultation of 27 July 2023 regarding the draft decision regarding local private networks in the 3800-4200 MHz band
- Consultation of 20 July 2023 on the draft bill amending Article 19/1, § 2, of the Act of 13 June 2005 and the draft Royal Decree on spectrum sharing agreements at the initiative of operators
- Proposal for a Royal Decree of 11 July 2023 on the fees for exclusive bands for radio-relay links
- Consultation of 20 July 2023 on the draft bill amending Article 19/1, § 2, of the Act of 13 June 2005 on electronic communications and the draft Royal Decree on spectrum sharing agreements at the initiative of operators
- Decision of 29 June 2023 on granting exclusive frequency bands for the use of radio relay links
- Decision of 13 June 2023 on on the granting of an authorisation to ASTRID for the operation of a trunk network in the 700 MHz band
- Decision of 13 June 2023 on the technical and operational conditions regarding the mobile communication services on aircraft
- Consultation of 2 May 2023 regarding the draft decision on granting exclusive frequency bands for the use of radio relay links
- Consultation of 13 April 2023 on the fees for exclusive bands for radio-relay links
- Consultation of 6 April 2023 on the granting of an authorisation to ASTRID for the operation of a trunk network in the 700 MHz band
- Consultation of 30 March 2023 on the technical and operational conditions regarding the mobile communication services on aircraft (2023)
- Decision of 28 March 2023 on the granting of exclusive frequency bands for the use of radio relay links in the 70/80 GHz band
- Consultation fo 22 February 2023 concerning a draft royal decree relating to the granting of rights of use for the establishment and operation of transmitting installations located in the exclusive economic zone of Belgium in the North
- Decision of 10 January 2023 on the technical and operational conditions for the avoidance of harmful interference in the 800 MHz band
- Consultation of 27 December 2022 at the request of the Minister of Telecommunications on a draft proposal for a Royal Decree amending the Royal Decree of 28 November 2021 on radio access in the 3400-3800 MHz frequency band
- Proposal for a Royal Decree of 1 December 2022 on private broadband radio local area networks
- Proposal for a Royal Decree of 1 December 2022 amending the Royal Decree of 28 November 2021 on radio access in the 3400-3800 MHz frequency band
- Decision of 16 November 2022 on the reorganisation of the 900 MHz band
- Decision of 20 October 2022 on the reorganisation of the 1800 MHz and 2100 MHz bands
- Consultation of 20 October 2022 on a draft decision on the technical and operational conditions for the avoidance of harmful interference in the 800 MHz band
- Decision of 27 September 2022 regarding the amount of the annual fees for fixed links in the HF band for public radio communication networks
- Consultation 23 September 2022 on a draft proposal for a Royal Decree amending the Royal Decree of 28 November 2021 on radio access in the 3400-3800 MHz frequency band
- Consultation 23 September 2022 on a draft proposal for a Royal Decree on private broadband radio local area networks
- Decision of 13 September 2022 on the extension of the 2G and 3G licences
- Decision of 23 August 2022 on the rights of use in the 3.5 GHz band of Gridmax
- Decision of 23 August 2022 on the rights of use in the 3.5 GHz band of Citymesh
- Consultation of 12 August 2022 regarding the draft decision on the extension by six months of the 2G and 3G licences
- Decision of 14 June 2022 on the technical and operational conditions for the avoidance of harmful interference in the 900 MHz and 1800 MHz frequency bands
- Consultation of 6 April 2022 regarding the draft decision on the technical and operational conditions for the avoidance of harmful interference in the 900 MHz and 1800 MHz frequency bands
- Decision of 29 March 2022 on the granting of exclusive frequency bands for the use of radio relay links in the 70/80 GHz band
- Decision of 11 March 2022 on the extension of the 2G and 3G licences
- Communication of 8 March 2022 on the proposal for a Royal Decree amending annex 2 of the Royal Decree of 18 December 2009 on private radio communications and user rights for fixed networks and trunk networks and the annex to the Royal Decree of 16 April 1998 on satellite earth stations
- Decision of 21 February 2022 regarding the areas where the reduction in the amount of the fees relating to the user rights for radio-relay links applies
- Decision of 11 February 2022 regarding the rules on the activity of the candidates for the multi-band auction
- Decision of 8 February 2022 on the technical and operational conditions for the avoidance of harmful interference in the 1427-1517 MHz band
- Consultation of 20 January 2022 regarding the draft proposal for a Royal Decree amending annex 2 of the Royal Decree of 18 December 2009 on private radio communications and user rights for fixed networks and trunk networks and the annex to the Royal Decree of 16 April 1998 on satellite earth stations
- Consultation of 19 January 2022 regarding the draft decision on the granting of exclusive frequency bands for the use of radio relay links in the 70/80 GHz band
- Consultation of 19 January 2022 regarding the draft decision on the extension of the 2G and 3G licences (2022)
- Opinion on the draft Royal Decrees on radio access in the frequency bands used for 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G
- Consultation of 3 December 2021 regarding the draft decision regarding the rules on the activity of the candidates for the multi-band auction
- Decision of 16 November 2021 on the granting of spectrum at 700 MHz and 800 MHz for the establishment and operation of a transmission installation in the Belgian exclusive economic zone in the North Sea
- Decision of 3 November 2021 on the technical and operational conditions for the avoidance of harmful interference in the 3400-3800 MHz band
- Decision of 31 August 2021 on the extension of the 2G and 3G licences
- Consultation of 16 July 2021 regarding the regulatory framework for the organisation of a multiband auction
- Consultation of 29 June 2021 on the fees for exclusive bands for radio-relay links
- Consultation of 23 June 2021 regarding the draft decision on the extension by six months of the 2G and 3G licences
- Decision of 15 June 2021 on the technical and operational conditions for the avoidance of harmful interference in the 2500-2690 MHz frequency band
- Decision of 15 June 2021 on the technical and operational conditions for the avoidance of harmful interference in the 1920-1980 and 2110-2170 MHz frequency bands
- Decision of 4th May 2021 regarding the extension of Citymesh’s user rights in the 3.5 GHz frequency band for the provision of electronic communications services on the Belgian territory
- Consultation regarding the draft decision on the technical and operational conditions for the avoidance of harmful interference in the 3400-3800 MHz frequency band
- Consultation regarding the draft decision on the technical and operational conditions for the avoidance of harmful interference in the 2500-2690 MHz frequency band
- Consultation regarding the draft decision on the technical and operational conditions for the avoidance of harmful interference in the 1920-1980 and 2110-2170 MHz frequency bands
- Decision of 30 March 2021 on granting exclusive frequency bands for the use of radio relay links
- Decision of 23 February 2021 on the extension of the 2G and 3G licences
- Consultation regarding the extension of Citymesh’s user rights in the 3.5 GHz frequency band for the provision of electronic communications services on the Belgian territory
- Decision of 12 January 2021 on the extension of the rights of use of Gridmax until 6 May 2025
- Consultation regarding the draft decision on the extension of the 2G and 3G licences
- Decision of 27 October 2020 on the granting to Citymesh of temporary user rights for the band 3410-3510 MHz for the establishment and operation of a transmission installation in the Belgian exclusive economic zone in the North Sea
- Decision of 13 October 2020 on the extension of the rights of use of Gridmax
- Decision of 13 October 2020 regarding the reorganisation of the temporary user rights for the 3600-3800 MHz band
- Decision of 29 September 2020 on the technical and operational conditions for the avoidance of harmful interference in the 3400-3600 MHz band
- Decision of 22 September 2020 on the granting to Citymesh of rights of use in the frequency band 2520-2535/2640-2655 MHz for the provision of electronic communications services on the Belgian territory
- Draft Decision on the granting to Citymesh of temporary user rights in the 3410-3510 MHz band for the establishment and operation of a transmission installation in the Belgian exclusive economic zone in the North Sea
- Decision of 28 July 2020 on the coexistence of public mobile networks with the GSM-R network in the 900 MHz band
- Decision of 14 July 2020 on the granting of temporary user rights in the 3600-3800 MHz frequency band to Telenet
- Decision of 14 July 2020 on the granting of temporary user rights in the 3600-3800 MHz frequency band to Proximus
- Decision of 14 July 2020 on the granting of temporary user rights in the 3600-3800 MHz frequency band to Orange
- Decision of 14 July 2020 on the granting of temporary user rights in the 3600-3800 MHz frequency band to Entropia
- Decision of 14 July 2020 on the granting of temporary user rights in the 3600-3800 MHz frequency band to Cegeka
- Decision of 23 June 2020 on the extension of the user rights of Citymesh with the municipalities of Kortrijk and Zaventem in the 3.5 GHz frequency band
- Consultation of 15 June 2020 regarding the draft decision on the coexistence of public mobile networks with the GSM-R network in the 900 MHz band
- Consultation of 10 June 2020 regarding the draft decision on the extension of the user rights of Gridmax
- Communication of 21 April 2020 regarding the extension of the answer period to the consultation of 23 March 2020 regarding the assignment of temporary rights of use in the 3600-3800 MHz band
- Draft decision of 1 April 2020 on granting exclusive frequency bands for the use of radio relay links
- Public consultation of 31 March 2020 regarding the extension of the user rights of Citymesh with the cities of Courtrai and Zaventem in the 3.5 GHz frequency band for the provision of electronic communications services on the Belgian territory
- Decision of 25 March 2020 regarding the withdrawal of the decision of 17 September 2019 regarding the request to extend the user rights of Citymesh in the 3.5 GHz frequency band
- Consultation of 23 March 2020 on the draft decisions regarding the granting of temporary user rights for the 3600-3800 MHz band
- Consultation at the request of the Minister of Telecommunications regarding a draft bill and three draft Royal Decrees regarding mobile networks
- Communication of 13 November 2019 regarding the Analysys Mason study of 7 November 2019 on the valorisation of the spectrum for public mobile systems on 3600 MHz and 26 GHz
- Decision of 6 November 2019 on the granting to Citymesh of temporary user rights for the establishment and operation of a transmission installation in the Belgian exclusive economic zone in the North Sea
- Public consultation of 5 November 2019 on the extension of the user rights granted to Citymesh in the 3.5 GHz frequency band for the provision of electronic communications services on the Belgian territory
- Public consultation of 24 september 2019 on the extension of the user rights granted to Citymesh in the 3.5 GHz frequency band for the provision of electronic communications services in the North Sea
- Decision of 17 September 2019 regarding the request to extend the user rights of Citymesh in the 3.5 GHz frequency band for the provision of electronic communications services on the Belgian territory with the city of Courtrai
- Decision of 29 July 2019 on the coexistence of public mobile networks with the GSM-R network in the 900 MHz band
- Draft decision on the technical and operational conditions for the avoidance of harmful interference in the 3400-3800 MHz band
- Draft decision on the technical and operational conditions for the avoidance of harmful interference in the 1427-1517 MHz band
- Draft decision on the coexistence of public mobile networks with the GSM-R network in the 900 MHz band
- Consultation of 9 May 2019 on the extension of the user rights granted to Citymesh in the 3.5 GHz frequency band
- Consultation on the use of the 26 GHz band for 5G
- Consultation of 8 February 2019 regarding the granting to E-Bo Enterprises of temporary user rights for the establishment and operation of transmission installations at the wind farms situated in the Belgian economic zone in the North Sea and on the adaptation of the financial terms in the decision of 21 October 2013 and in the Decision of 4 January 2018
- Consultation of 22 January 2019 about the draft decision of the BIPT Council of xx 2019 on the extension of Citymesh’s user rights in the 3.5 GHz frequency band
- Decision of 3 December 2018 on granting exclusive frequency bands for the use of radio relay links and the radio interface E18 (26 GHz band)
- Decision of 3 December 2018 on the use of Internet of Things technologies in the frequency bands allocated to public mobile operators
- Consultation at the request of the Minister regarding a preliminary draft Royal Decree amending the Royal Decree of 18 December 2009 on private radiocommunications and user rights for fixed networks and trunk networks
- Draft decision on the organisation of several procedures for the grant of rights of use for frequencies
- Communication of 10 September 2018 regarding he introduction of 5G in Belgium
- Draft decision on the use of Internet of Things technologies in the frequency bands allocated to public mobile operators
- Communication of 13 August 2018, at the request of the Minister of Telecommunications relating to the draft regulation on the multiband auction
- Shared use of infrastructure and shared use of spectrum
- Decision of 7 August 2018 on the user rights of Inmarsat Ventures Ltd for the complementary ground components
- Communication regarding the reserved spectrum, the spectrum caps and the coverage obligations for the multiband auction
- Decision of 28 May 2018 on the technical and operational terms required to avoid harmful interference imposed upon the 700 MHz operators
- Consultation of the draft decision on the user rights of Inmarsat Ventures Ltd for the complementary ground components
- Decision of 29 March 2018 on the technical characteristics of directional aerials in mobile networks
- Draft decision on the technical and operational terms required to avoid harmful interference imposed upon the 700 MHz operators
- Consultation about the draft decision on the technical characteristics of directional aerials in mobile networks
- Consultation regarding the draft decision on the granting to Citymesh of temporary user rights for the establishment and operation of a transmission installation in the Belgian economic zone in the North Sea
- Decision on the technical and operational conditions regarding the mobile communication services on board vessels
- Decision of 9 January 2018 imposing an administrative penalty upon Gridmax SPRL for non-compliance with the Decision of 17 August 2016 on the granting to Gridmax of user rights in the 3.5GHz frequency band for the provision of electronic communications services on the Belgian territory
- Decision of 11 September 2017 on the coexistence between 4G operators in the 2500-2690 MHz band and radars in the 2700-2900 MHz band
- Consultation organised at the request of the Minister of Telecommunications on the 1427-1517 MHz frequency band
- Decision of 14 July 2017 imposing an administrative penalty upon Citymesh NV for non-compliance with the Decision of 7 May 2015
- Decision of 27 June 2017 repealing the Decision of 21 March 2017 concerning the extension of the rights of use of Broadband Belgium
- Consultation organised at the request of the Minister of Telecommunications on the 3400-3800 MHz frequency band
- Decision on the user rights of Inmarsat Ventures Ltd for the complementary ground components
- Consultation organised at the request of the Minister of Telecommunications on the 900MHz, 1800MHz, 2GHz, 700MHz and 1400MHz frequency bands
- Decision of 2 May 2017 on the technical and operational conditions regarding the mobile communication services on aircraft
- Consultation on the technical and operational conditions regarding the mobile communication services on board vessels
- Decision of 10 April 2017 on the rights of use of Broadband Belgium in the 10.5 GHz frequency band
- Decision of 21 March 2017 concerning the extension of the rights of use of Broadband Belgium
- Consultation on the technical and operational conditions regarding the mobile communication services on aircraft
- Consultation on the draft decision regarding the coexistence of the 4G operators in the 2500-2690 MHz band and the radars in the 2700-2900 MHz band
- Consultation about the draft decision concerning the extension of the user rights of Broadband Belgium
- Review of 22 June 2016 concerning the Communication of 17 March 2016 on the results of the consultation regarding the issue of indoor coverage
- Consultation of the draft decision on the user rights of Inmarsat Ventures ltd for the complementary ground components
- Communication of 17 March 2016 on the results of the consultation regarding the issue of indoor coverage
- Communication of 25 January 2016 regarding the results of the Analysys Mason study on the value of the spectrum for public systems
- Consultation at the request of the Minister of Telecommunications on the draft Royal Decree regarding the granting of user rights for the establishment and operation of transmission installations situated in Belgium's exclusive economic area in the North Sea
- Consultation of 27 October 2015 on the issue of indoor coverage
- Consultation on the draft Royal Decree amending the Royal Decree of 18 December 2009 on private radio communications and user rights for fixed networks and trunk networks
- Decision on the technical and operational conditions for the 3400-3800 MHz band
- Consultation on the draft Royal Decree amending the Royal Decree of 18 January 2001 and the Royal Decree of 22 December
- Decision on the coexistence of public mobile networks with the GSM-R network in the 900 MHz band
- Decision of 16 june 2015 regarding the granting to E-BO Enterprises of temporary user rights for the establishment and operation of a transmission installation on the Thorntonbank wind farm situated in the Belgian economic zone in the North Sea
- Decision of 13 May 2015 on the division of spectrum in the 900 MHz band
- Communication of 7 april 2015 regarding a pluriannual plan for the spectrum for public mobile services
- Draft decision on the division of spectrum in the 900 MHz band
- Draft decision on the coexistence of public mobile networks with the GSM-R network in the 900 MHz band
- Decision of 17 December 2014 regarding the withdrawal of the user rights for the 10238-10294 / 10588-10644 MHZ frequencies for radio access granted to Evonet
- Decision of 22 July 2014 on the technical and operational terms required to avoid harmful interference in the paired 2 GHz band
- Decision of 16 January 2015 on granting exclusive frequency bands for the use of radio relay links
- Draft Decision on granting exclusive frequency bands for the use of radio relay links
- Decision on the restitution of the 3G licence of Telenet Tecteo BidCo
- Draft decision on the return of the 3G license of Telenet Tecteo BidCo
- Decision of 31 December 2013 on the withdrawal of user rights for the 3410-3450/3510-3550 MHZ radio access frequencies granted to ZapFi NV
- Opinion of 10 December 2013 regarding the draft Royal Decree amending the Royal Decree of 26 February 2010
- Decision of 21 October 2013 regarding the granting of temporary user rights for certain wind parks in the North Sea to Base Company
- Consultation at the request of the Minister of Economy regarding the draft Royal Decree amending the Royal Decree of 26 February 2010 regarding the transfer of user rights for radio frequencies entirely or partially used
- Decision of 18 June 2013 on the spectrum allocated to KPN GB in the 900 MHz band
- Consultation at the request of the Minister of Economy on the draft royal decree on mobile communication on board vessel services
- Consultation organized at the request of the Minister of Economy of 13 December 2012 on the draft royal decree on mobile communication on board aircraft services
- Decision of 14 June 2012 regarding the infringement proceedings against KPN Group Belgium concerning the non-observance of Article 3, § 1 of the Royal Decree of 18 January 2001
- Communication containing guidelines on infrastructure sharing
- Decision on the use of UMTS and LTE technologies in the 900 MHz, 1800 MHz and 2 GHz bands
- Draft communication presenting guidelines for infrastructure sharing
- Draft decision concerning the repartition of the 900MHz, 1800MHz and 2GHz bands
- Draft decision concerning the use of UMTS and LTE technologies in the bands 900 MHz, 1800 MHz and 2 GHz
- Opinion of 23 March 2010 on the Royal Decree on radio access in the 2500-2690 MHz frequency band
- Study by Analysys Mason and Hogan & Hartson on "Future regulation of Wireless Access in the 790 MHz-3400 MHz Spectrum Bands
- Decision of 24 December 2009 repealing the Decision of 25 November 2008 on the waiver of the tacit renewal of the authorisation for the establishment and operation of the network of operator DCS1800 (Base)
- Decision of 17 June 2009 on access to the GSM-R network
- Decision of 26 March 2009 concerning the introduction of UMTS in the 880-915 MHz and 925-960 MHz frequency bands
- Strategic spectrum management for radio acess systems in the band 790 MHz - 3.400 MHz
- Decision of 4 July 2003 on the allocation of radio frequencies to GSM mobile telephone operators
Exposure to radiation
In 2009, the Constitutional Court found that the general competence of the Regions to regulate the environmental protection also included the competence to take measures to prevent and limit the risks associated with non-ionising radiation, including the limitation of human exposure to the risk of this type of radiation which is released into the environment.
Since then the Regions have been setting the radiation standards (maximum permitted levels of radiation) to be observed by operators.
Mobile operators are required to observe these radiation standards regardless of the technology used.